Since we met with such poor success from other baits, we decided to develop our own. We spent months developing RoBait.
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About Us
We started Alternative Pest Control in 1986. We decided to offer rodent exclusion services about 2010, to boost business during the traditional slower winter months. Most exclusion services require trapping, to rid the structure of rodents before closing their access to the structure. To bait the live traps we used peanut butter and also tried some commercially available baits. We found these baits to be messy and inconsistent in their ability to attract the our target animal.
Buy RoBait Now!
RoBait ELIMINATES MULTIPLE TRIPS TO CHECK TRAPS. RoBait’s proprietary mixture of all-natural non toxic ingredients is uniquely formulated to be the ultimate rodent attractant. It’s powerful combination of spoil resistance, smooth consistency, and extreme temperature tolerance with a resistance to scaling and drying make it the best bait on the market. It stores easily, prebaits beautifully, and has a scent that will outlast the competition. Robait is the premium product to save you time and make you money.