Product SpecS
Product Specs
- FAST ACTING – Works quickly eliminating wasted trips to find empty traps. Sometimes the traps work before the technicians leave the customers home.
- WORKS LONGER – Because RoBait doesn’t dry out, the scent remains for months ideal for maintainance situations.
- UNAFFECTED BY TEMPERATURE CHANGES – cold or hot, remains soft and aromatic.
- WON’T SPOIL – will keep soft and effective for months without refrigeration.
- EASY TO USE – The texture of RoBait easily forms into pea sized pre-bait balls.
- NON-TOXIC to pets, people and non-target animals.

Works well for these types of Rodents:
- NORWAY AND ROOF RATS – Effective for snap traps and glue boards (on two occasions we have caught 3 rats on a single rat snap trap).
- MICE – very effective for glue boards. We have found glue-boards so full there was no room left for another mouse.
- FLYING SQUIRRELS – Flying squirrels have to be live trapped and checked every 24 hours. RoBait eliminates multiple trips to check traps.
- GREY SQUIRRELS – same rules apply here.
- RoBait contains the nutrients squirrels actively seek in the wild.
- RoBAIT is most effective when used as a pre-bait and trap bait.
How to Use RoBait:
- Scatter small pea size pre-bait on rat runways to draw rodents to your trap.
- In attics, draw squirrels to your trap by placing or tossing small balls of bait from the cornice area leading back to the live trap.
- The pre-bait aroma fills the attic and is very attractive to all rodents.
RoBait is the only rodent attractant we use to “catch em quick”
The first time we tested RoBait, one squirrel took the whole container up into the tree! In subsequent feedings the squirrels consistently took RoBait first and would eventually come back to feed on the other test baits. Robait contains nutrients that are scarce in the wild.
We then began using Robait for live trapping and on rodent glue boards. The effectiveness of Robait was immediately confirmed. Sometimes, the traps worked before the technician left the field. The glue boards were so full there was no room for additional rats. Clients were very pleased with the quick results. We continued to tweak the bait but subsequent versions were not as effective as Robait.

This bait has been successfully field tested for four years, we wouldn’t use anything else. We have made many innovations in our pest control and termite treatments, but this is bait is so effective we are offering it to our industry. As you know, Atlanta and its surrounding counties have been experiencing an explosion in rodent population and the problems with infestations in our homes and businesses. There are plenty of rodents to go around as the rodent population increases more and more companies in our industry will offer rodent exclusions.